Sunday, May 10, 2015

colby; noun- meaning honesty; and smiles

it seemed only fitting to start from the very first
very first time you clicked publish

i read all the words of that first post, but all i saw was honesty. many times writers get scared of something they wrote because they think people wont get it, wrong grammar, or that it doesnt really make sense. but you have no fear of that. you thought a line in your head and freak you wrote it down. ya there was a line that i have no idea how to connect with, and another where im not quite sure what it means, but i felt it. at first i didnt know what it was, but really it was easy to see, it, like the it,  was just honesty.

great first impression wow.

its hard to find WHY we write. does it make us feel better? gets our twisted thoughts out? because were good at it so why not? to get ladiezzz? none and all are correct. but many would agree that it helps to know what youre writing for. your third blog post ever said what. who. when. and who again. you write for. by which is helping us all find our own muse.

your muse(s) sound beautiful.

one of my beyond favorite things is finding patterns in authors. things they bring up often. i like to think of these things as their home, so to speak.

yours is alaska. i love alaska.

colby youre not a "nose in the sky" jock, so that stereotype was never meant to be broken by you. youre not a "skirt shorter than her temper" cheerleader and frankly not a chick, so youre fine. youre colby. you literally say hi to people in the hall that i never even noticed were standing there. your writing makes me feel like i just took a deep breathe of fresh air, it notices all sides, doesnt just scream towards to idea that we should all be sad about our lives, and writing grey depressing poetry because thats whats popular. no. you smile at all and know that life sucks for everyone, but 'hella dope' days are here too and ahead. 

very refreshing.

dont ever apologize for being a tourist for a little, we cant get comfortable with anything without first being uncomfortable.

hardest things to read, are the ones about things that high school students shouldnt have to worry about. we shouldnt be incharge of figuring out why kids our age dont want to play with us on earth anymore, and its not our fault when they dont. the honesty behind this post is beautiful colby. its okay to feel things and sharing what you feel is always frightening. especially about something so personal. and you did it, again with no fear, head first, without a helmet. 

youre trully a writer colby.

i believe writing is supposed to make people rethink what theyve always known, or to believe something without thinking at all. i didnt use one brain cell figuring out that your comparisons and images that become so vivid in my head as i read are killer. was easy, beyond easy to see that your soul is yellow because of your smile and the happiness you wish everyone could feel. you made me rethink how i think about the 'deepness' of life. love the way i saw question marks, making me reread some of your words inorder to really get what you said. thats when i learned the most.

secret is ive always valued your writing opinion

been keeping tabs on your blog for a while now


thanks for the opportunity to analyzes your blog, the pleasure was mine.

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